Help me beat the SNP

The coming General Election on 4th July is an opportunity to beat the SNP and end their obsession with independence for good so we can get all of the focus onto creating good jobs, reducing NHS waiting lists, fixing the roads, investing in schools and improving public services.

Just like in every other previous election, the result will be really close in the Borders. Every vote will count - and yours can make all the difference.

It's a straight fight here between me and the SNP candidate. A vote for any other party risks an SNP win. 

John Lamont election result 2019

So together, let’s defeat the SNP so we can build a brighter future for the Borders and deliver on our shared priorities.

Four ways to help me beat the SNP! 

1. Vote Scottish Conservative on 4th July. You can register to vote and apply for a postal vote here

2. Join my campaign team by completing the survey below 👇

3. Sign up to my WhatsApp support group - request the details by emailing

4. Donate to my campaign by emailing me at


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3.1. In which of these ways can you help?